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  Taiwan's semiconductor industry to new opportunities for targeting the automotive sector 2009-07-17
  From the fast life to excellent life "New Moore's Law" led the semiconductor industry innovation 2009-07-16
  ST introduced a new combo chip filtering and ESD protection 2009-07-15
  Global semiconductor sales in the second half than the first half increased by 18% 2009-07-14
  Global semiconductor sales this year is expected to decrease 2009-07-13
  Taiwan's Powerchip Semiconductor get Powertech Technology and Kingston $ 125 million loans 2009-07-13
  Chinese semiconductor R & D center core "set sail" 2009-07-09
  Across challenges, Taiwan's semiconductor industry to new opportunities for targeting the automotive 2009-07-09
  TSMC coup semiconductor godfather comeback 2009-07-03
  Treasure star technology was founded in 2011 year-end banquet feast 2012-01-12
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